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After First Proposal Was Rejected Julen Lopetegui Pushed Harder To Bring Former Player To West Ham At Huge Cost

Julen Lopetegui, the new manager of West Ham, is interested in signing Wolves' Max Kilman to strengthen his defense for…

West Ham United Defender Ben Johnson’s Deal To Newly Promoted Ipswich Currently On The Table As Terms Are Already Met

Ipswich Town are in talks to sign West Ham United defender Ben Johnson, who is out of contract at the…

Brentford and West Ham dealt a significant £37 million transfer boost after rivals’ deal falls

A deal between Newcastle United and Everton has collapsed, paving the way for other Premier League clubs. West Ham and…

By Kelvin

If The Likes Of West Ham, Everton Or Napoli Could Keep The Price Below The £25m Mark, The 23-Year-Old Defender Could Be A Snip

Everton might be caught up in a three-way battle to recruit Jayden Oosterwolde. The Toffees, West Ham United, and Napoli…

Negotiations Have Been Described As ‘Positive’ For A 25-Years Old Who Is On The Verge Of Leaving West Ham Today

Nathan Trott, West Ham United's Goalkeeper, Is Not A Name That Many Fans Would Recognize, Yet He Is Apparently On…

Julen Lopetegui Is Close To Securing The £21 Million striker His Second Summer Deal At West Ham

West Ham United manager Julen Lopetegui seems to be intent on signing a proven striker this summer. The Spaniard first…

Leicester To Finalize Deal Agreement With Juventus Winger After Agreeing On Parameters

In preparation for a summer transfer, the representatives of Juventus young player Matías Soulé have already met with Leicester City…

West Ham United manager David Moyes discusses the ‘horrible feeling’ after beating Luton.

  Outgoing West Ham manager David Moyes admitted he kept any post-match celebrations to a minimum after completing his home…

By Kelvin